Saturday, July 7, 2012

Rappelling Down Waterfalls

Today the bishop decided to take us out to see some waterfalls. He said they were a couple of hours away and he thought we might like them. As always, Cindy and I were ready for an adventure so we, bishop, Josh, Joe, Doug, and Eveson jumped in the car and went for a drive.

The drive was pretty uneventful, the only thing that really happened was that I hit my head twice after I smacked my head on the roof of our car. Brazilians don't put as much emphasis on keeping roads nice as the US does so there are potholes everywhere, and it sucked really bad having to drive through them. I tried to take a nap a couple times, but those times were when I ended up waking up to my head smacking the roof of the car. It kept me awake for the rest of the ride.

Once we got to the waterfalls we were told that you could rappel down it if you wanted for a small price. The waterfall was a pretty good size and it was very beautiful, but that is where my interest in it ended. I wasn't planning on going down it, but bishop offered to pay and said, "you're never gonna be here again so you might as well do it." I couldn't argue with that, and after seeing Eveson go down, Cindy and I decided to give it a shot.

When they strapped me up I was pretty excited, then I went to the side of the falls and that excitement turned into a little thing called, "Oh Crap.." He hooked me to my line and Cindy to the one next to me, and then the instructor went down with us. It wasn't hard at all once you got going. It was really slippery, and I was the lucky fella to get the side directly in the water, so the more I went down the more water came down on me. It complicated going down but I am happy to say that I only slipped once. The water felt great and it was so fun to go down the waterfall. The more I went down the more comfortable I got doing it. I honestly wanted to spend a lot more time in the water since I took the time to get in the middle of the waterfall! Here we are:

Afterwords, bishop took us out to dinner in this nice little restaurant that has great food and fondu! Yeah, it was fun eating there and it was a great way to celebrate our waterfall rappelling! We drove home after that, and other than smacking my head another two times (yes, both during my attempt to sleep), it was pretty chill and ended up being a great night. Great day, great night; one to remember.

1 comment:

  1. my dad took us to those waterfalls once, and he told me the same thing. "you're never gonna be here again so you might as well do it." haha
    so of course i repelled, and it was way fun.
    and also, that restaurant is so good! i loved it too.
